Impact Dance Adjudicators is not just for competitions and judges, but also for the studios! We are thrilled to work with over 15 affiliated competitions across the United States, providing judges who are vetted, background-checked, and pre-screened for quality critiques. By attending an IDA-affiliated competition, studios can be confident that they will receive professional-level feedback and quality working conditions for judges. We are proud to set required standards for meals, lodging, and above-industry-standard pay rates for all IDA-affiliated competitions.

Another perk of choosing to attend an IDA affiliated competition is the chance to win our Making The Impact Judge's Choice Award sponsored by our dance podcast.
At every regional affiliated competition with at least one IDA Judge on the panel, your judges will select one winner from the entire event to be recognized for their outstanding performance, execution, or choreography. This award can go to a dance of any size, age and level. Winners of the Making The Impact Award will receive a live studio shoutout on our podcast and also have the chance to win a full studio spotlight interview at the end of the season through our fan favorite voting contest! Winning the Making The Impact Award has become a huge honor in the competitive dance world and we are honored to offer this with help of our IDA affiliates!
Check out our first Making the Impact
Fan Favorite Winner on their full
Studio Spotlight episode!

Use the database above to search for upcoming IDA-affiliated Competitions in your area. Click on "Filter" to narrow down your search by Competition, date, and region.
Please note* - All events/dates are subject to change by Competition. Please see Competition's website for most up-to-date information and registration details.

One of our newest services was requested by dance studios nationwide! We are excited to offer in-studio critiques for pre-season feedback. Whether it's during your preview show, competition showcase, or in-studio run through, our IDA Judges will provide personalized feedback to your studio and dancers to help you prep for Competition!

Fully customizable service to cater to you! Request up to 3 local IDA Judges to attend your in-studio event .

IDA will handle all logistics for critiques including recording software and equipment on site.

Request live critiques delivered post-performance or audio critiques recorded on site to listen back.

Audio Critiques will be organized and delivered digitally to you within 3 days post event.

You can even request genre-specific specialty judges! (pending availability)